Processed Shipments

Modified on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 18:04 by Administrator — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Search/Review Processed Shipments

Once a certificate has been processed by the chamber (i.e. stamped and approved or rejected) it will appear in the Processed Shipments screen.

By default when you access this screen only the certificates that you are the owner of and are 30 days old will be displayed.


You can search all the certificates in the Processed Shipments screen using the search panel at the top of the page. The criteria you can search by are:-

- Status
- Chamber
- Exporter Reference
- Signatory
- Certificate Number
- Invoice Number
- Date Created from and to (defaults to 30 days ago in From field)
- Date Submitted from and to
- Submission type

Enter the search criteria and click ‘Search’. For instance, if you wish to view all the Processed Certificates for your company, you would select all from the Signatory dropdown and click ‘Search’.

A replaced certificate is a previously approved certificate which has been resubmitted. These have been marked by an '(R)' next to the ‘Completed’ status. If you hover your mouse over the status field, you can see a tool tip showing “Completed (Replaced)” certificates.